Individual Therapy

2184679453That constant chatter in your head…

Do you hear it?

Yeah, I hear it, too.

It’s never-ending! And SO irritating!

But believe it or not…

It’s totally normal.

It’s called thinking, and it’s just your brain doing its job.

But sometimes, our brains create thoughts that aren’t helpful or necessary. Occasionally, we get consumed by those thoughts, and they go on to negatively affect our emotions and behaviors.

It feels like we should be able to control these thoughts…

… to the point that we beat ourselves up for having them!

“Just stop thinking about it.”

“Why are you letting it bother you so much?”

But here’s the truth: You don’t have control over it.

1633840801You can’t control your brain, but…

You can change how you interact with it. This is the work we will be doing together!

Any stressful experience will trigger a cognitive, emotional, or behavioral response.

But what if I told you that, even though you can’t control your thoughts, you CAN control how you respond?

By learning to connect with and explore your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, you can respond to them with more intention and control.

You’ll be able to identify and choose behaviors that help you cope and respond.

Our journey together…

… will include self-reflection, effort, and a safe space for open communication.

We’ll dive deep so that you can connect with yourself, discover what matters most to you, and clarify what you want to achieve.

When you clearly understand where you’re going and what values you want to embody, we can use those markers to track and measure your progress!

You know better than anyone…

You’re the expert on what you want to change and achieve, but I can help you get there.

Let me give you the tools and strategies to live your best life.

It’ll take time, effort, and intention, but the adventure is one you’ll always cherish!

Become the version of yourself. Call today for your free consultation: (631) 457-2189.